COE Grad Student Symposium

The first College of Education (COE) Graduate Student Research Symposium took place on April 27, 2024 on the COE campus with 200 participants, including student presenters, faculty and staff, and community members. The symposium provided an opportunity for COE master’s and doctoral students to practice their presentation skills, share research and projects, and receive feedback on their work.

“The place was just buzzing!” said Professor Kavita Rao, Director of the College of Education Research Institute (CERI). “Our graduate student presenters did a wonderful job sharing their projects during the poster and oral presentation sessions. Faculty, students, and community members who attended interacted, discussed, and provided valuable feedback to our student presenters. People were really excited to come together around student research.”

With a theme of Educators with Kuleana to Hawaiʻi and the World, graduate students from Curriculum Studies, Educational Administration, Educational Foundations, Educational Psychology, Learning Design and Technology, Kinesiology, the School of Teacher Education, and Special Education were invited to present in person and online.

“This symposium was such a success thanks to all of our contributors,” said LaJoya Shelly, PhD in Educational Administration candidate. “We would like to thank the COE Senate Student Faculty Relations Committee, Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT) program, Doctoral Student Association (COEDSA), Masters Student Association (COEMSA), the College of Education Research Institute (CERI), Technology and Distance Programs, Dean’s Office, and all of our supporters.

See the Full Program Schedule

COE Grad Student Symposium

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