Focus Area: Employment
Employment Emphasis Overarching Goal:
Improve employment outcomes for Iw/IDD and other disabilities as measured by the number of Iw/IDD and other disabilities receiving employment related training and services, change in their attitude, behavior, knowledge, and skills related to employment, and employment status, type, and duration.
CDS and Employment
Hawaiʻi became an employment first state and started an Association of People Supporting Employment first (APSE) chapter, thus there is an increased attention on the employment of Iw/IDD and other disabilities. HI-UCEDD has been leading the efforts in Hawaiʻi in collaboration with national and state agencies, DVR, organizations such as Disability:IN, Employment First, and APSE group, family groups, and employers. Two direct employment related projects will be continuing over the next five years. These projects provide training on social security benefits, work incentives, medical insurance, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), financial planning, self- advocacy, and individual employment plan development in partnership with DVR. We will also have four projects continuing that provide internships and work-based learning opportunities to Iw/IDD and other disabilities in partnership with employers and in support of postsecondary transition. CDS is also directing two additional projects that support employment through training and education, which will also be active over the next five years. Moreover, CDS is funded to direct the state Comprehensive Service Center for Deaf and Blind, which is a one-stop support and referral service funded by the Hawai‘i State Legislature and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). In the next five years, we will continue to strengthen and expand these efforts, develop and provide training to employers, and provide TA and evaluation services to collaborating organizations.