Student Learning Outcomes

Central learning goals of the Graduate Certificate in Disability and Diversity Studies include:

  1. Develop an understanding of disability in a social and cultural context.
  2. Understand some major frameworks for analyzing disability.
  3. Understand how concepts of disability and the treatment of disabled people have varied over time in and various national, local, and global contexts.
  4. Demonstrate ability to evaluate representations of people with disabilities in various cultural products and expressions, including literature, art, film, and other cultural texts.
  5. Evidence ability to consider ways in which such representations of disability may dialog with the actual lived experiences of people with disabilities.
  6. Develop an understanding of the ways in which disability may intersect with other markers of identity, such as gender, race, age, class, and ethnicity.
  7. Demonstrate increased awareness of first-hand accounts and personal narratives by disabled people.
  8. Evidence development of an understanding of ways in which the lens for considering disability used in Disability Studies may have broad use across disciplines.
  9. Identify social and physical barriers faced by people with disabilities.
  10. Demonstrate development of an understanding of the ways rights, laws, and policies have been developed to help reduce barriers for disabilities (and an awareness of the organizations and advocates responsible for helping develop them).