ACE for Teachers: Kona Waena TeenACE
Across the US, the least literate have the least income. Some Hawaii public school students (esp. those with disabilities, poverty incomes, or English language learners) find themselves more likely to miss out on opportunities leading to success at school and in the workplace.
ACE Reading
This project began in 1995 in Philadelphia’s urban schools, expanding to Honolulu in December 1997, and to many other locations since.
Act Early
Served as team leader for the Act Early Summit in Region IX. Will continue to provide coordination and support to carry out the goals and activities planned by the team.
Federated States of Micronesia Secondary Education Transition: ALL-SET!
The purpose of this project is to provide technical assistance and training support to assist in the development of 1) a secondary transition manual and 2) a Post-School Evaluation Tool that is culturally relevant.