Ethnomath cohort at Kualoa Ranch
Ethnomathematics Cohort 6 at Kualoa Ranch

The sixth cohort of the UH Mānoa College of Education (COE) Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate and MEd in Curriculum Studies (EDCS) Mathematics Education programs completed a week of immersive educational excursions during the summer. Comprised of K–12 STEM educators from South Dakota, Colorado, Texas, California, Oregon, Washington, and the Hawaiian islands, the students engaged in lessons at Kualoa Ranch, Hawaiʻi Plantation Village, Pacific American Foundation Waikalua Loko Fishpond, Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology Moku O Loʻe, and aboard Kamaola sailing with Punahou School voyaging crew.

Ethnomathematics is described as real-world problem-solving that empowers students to be locally-minded, global citizens through a sense of purpose and a sense of place. It is the first academic program in the world for this progressively visible and highly interdisciplinary subject. The program challenges students to solve tasks that are relevant, meaningful, and contextualized by drawing on their strengths and the strengths of their communities. In addition, students have the option of adding a K–12 field of licensure in Ethnomathematics through the Hawaiʻi Teacher Standards Board.

“With great excitement and joy, we began this year’s 2024–2025 program by engaging in experiential learning journeys with teacher leaders who are leading the way toward equity, empowerment, and dignity,” said COE Professor of Mathematics Education Linda Furuto who developed and directs the program. “They show us how to honor our legacies and continue to voyage by connecting classrooms the ecological, cultural, historical, and political contexts in which schooling takes place. Together, we look forward to connecting our sail plans to each other and to past, present, and future generations.”

UH News Q&A with Linda Furuto –
Maui Now video –
Hawaii Plantation Village
Hawaiʻi Plantation Village, Cohort 6
Waikalua fishpond
Waikalua Loko Fishpond, Cohort 6 with Herb Lee, Pacific American Foundation Executive Director and Ethnomath Advisory Board Member
Waikalua Loko Fish Pond
Waikalua Loko Fishpond
HIMB Moku O Loʻe
Moku O Loʻe STEM activities
Moku O Loʻe
Moku O Loʻe
Kamaola canoe
Kamaola Canoe, sailing with Punahou School voyaging crew
Kamaola Canoe
Kamaola Canoe

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