
ECE Overview

The MEd in ECE consists of a minimum of 30 credits. If students choose to complete a Plan A, they complete 18 credits of mandatory coursework, a minimum of 6 elective credits, and 6 credits of thesis research (EDCS 700). Additional credits may be required at the discretion of the student’s advisor and students should be prepared to take longer if necessary. Students following this plan will complete a thesis based on original research.
Students who complete the Plan B finish 18 credits of mandatory coursework, a minimum of 9 credits of electives and 3 credits that focus on Plan B Capstone development and follow-through or preparatory work relative to core courses (EDCS 695). Students following this plan complete a Project (Research Study or Practical Application) or Professional Portfolio for their Plan B Capstone that is based on current program requirements. Students pursuing ECE teacher license may need to complete additional coursework and/or document follow-up application of key assessments completed in the summer in their setting during the academic year.