
*PK-3 Graduate Certificate (with or without MEd-CS)

*Currently not offered to students

The PK-3 Graduate Certificate is a 15-credit program that includes a Professional Teaching Portfolio. The certificate may be earned with the MEd-CS, or as a certificate-only program.

The 15-credits include the following courses:

  • EDCS 622 (B): School Curriculum: Early Childhood (3)
  • STE 417 – Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Ages 3–8 (3)
    Developmentally appropriate programs for young children, including the design of the learning environment; integrated, thematic planning based on the sciences; child guidance; assessment; and parent involvement. Spring
  • EDEP 664: Instructional Psychology: Effective Pedagogy for Diverse Young Children (3)
  • EDCS 617: Early Literacy and Language Development: Theory to Practice (3)
  • EDCS 656 – Seminar in Early Childhood Education: (3) (CAPSTONE)

For more information, please contact