
Exploring Reading Achievement Differences between Elementary School Students Receiving and Not Receiving English Language Services.


Journal Article


Reid , T. & Heck, R. H.


Currently, one in five students in the United States is the child of immigrants, and by 2040 this ratio is projected to increase to one in three. Understanding these students' academic needs is a fundamental part of improving their performance in our nation's schools. Our study continues this research within a multilevel conceptual framework, focusing, more specifically, on the relationship of student SES background, cultural heritage, ELL status, and reading achievement. Our three-level model formulation facilitates the examination of more complex relationships regarding students' demographics, cultural backgrounds, and school contextual settings in affecting reading achievement. Our results are discussed in terms of their implications for improving school performance.


Reid, T., & Heck, R. H. (2017). Exploring Reading Achievement Differences between Elementary School Students Receiving and Not Receiving English Language Services. AERA Online Paper Repository.