Brent Edwards new book cover

Researching Global Education Policy: Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement

This latest book co-authored by Educational Foundations Professor Brent Edwards explores a wide diversity of approaches to help understand the policy movement phenomena, providing a useful guide on global studies in education, as well as insights into the future of this dynamic area of work.

The movement of policy is a core feature of contemporary education reform. Many different concepts, including policy transfer, borrowing and lending, traveling, diffusion and mobility, have been deployed to study how and why policy moves across jurisdictions, scales of governance, policy sectors or organizations. However, the underlying theoretical perspectives and the foundational assumptions of different approaches to policy movement remain insufficiently discussed. To address this gap, Researching Global Education Policy: Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement places front and center questions of theory, ontology, epistemology and method related to policy movement.

Brent EdwardsAbout the Author

Dr. Brent Edwards Jr. is the Department of Educational Foundations Chair and Professor of Theory and Methodology in the Study of Education. He also serves as the program coordinator for the MEd in Global Perspectives on Education Policy and Practice. His research focuses on the global governance of education; education policy, politics, and political economy with a focus on low-income countries; and democratic and socially just alternatives to dominant education models. His work has been published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. He received his PhD in International Education Policy from the University of Maryland.

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