12:00pm–1:30pm, Fri Jan 24, 2025
Event Details
Join us for the EDEF Monthly Talk : “Hip Hop, Ainu Spirituality, and Radical Research: Re-Storying the Dissertation Experience In The COE “
Friday, January 24th, 2025, from 12:00 – 1:30 PM in Wist 233.
Dr. r. Shizuko Hayashi-Simpliciano, educational researcher, school administrator, and co-founder of Ancestral Connections and The Ainu & Ainuic Heritage Education Society, will be our speaker.
Join us to learn about Dr. Hayashi-Simpliciano’s dissertation, Charanke and Hip Hop: The Argument for Re-Storying the Education of Ainu in Diaspora Through Performance Ethnography. Published in 2020, this work was among the first doctoral dissertations out of the College of Education (and possibly the broader University) to center self-produced Hip Hop & Spoken Word tracks and multimedia videos that were core to the dissertationʻs research methods. In this presentation, Dr. Hayashi-Simpliciano will discuss the rationale behind her research design (that some have described as “radical”), her research findings, and what has been learned since graduating from the COE and entering into the field of research.
Pizza will be provided! Please RSVP to help us plan accordingly.