
Graduate Research Corner

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woman working on research paper

We work to create a vibrant research community here at the College of Education, through publications, partnerships and extramural projects. Our faculty are here to help you pursue your research interests and become skilled and ethical researchers!

Research Courses

The COE offers many research courses among various departments, ranging from introductory courses to advanced courses in specific methods or subject areas. Advanced courses may require one or more prerequisite introductory level courses. These research courses are typically offered during the semester indicated below. Since courses are not guaranteed to be offered, please check with your advisor or confirm with the department listed if the course you are interested in will be offered.

EDCS 606 Introduction to Research in Curriculum and Teaching Classroom-based research covers the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative, action research, mixed methods, and curriculum based assessment. Exploratory, explanatory, and confirmatory research will be highlighted culminating in an outline for Plan B/Thesis proposal. (Cross-listed as DIS 606) Online Spring Curriculum Studies
EDEA 602 Research in Educational Admin Develops basic concepts of research: methodology, status of particular topics, communication and applications of findings to problems in educational administration. F2F or Online Fall and Spring Ed Admin
EDEF 678 Approaches to Educational Inquiry Overview of different research methods in educational inquiry with an opportunity to explore through practice one or more methods (ex: case study, interviewing, narrative construction, practitioner inquiry. Preparation for MEd or PhD proposals. F2F or Online Fall, Spring (1 per year) Ed Admin
EDEP 608 Introduction to Educational Research Fundamental design and evaluation procedures in educational research. Topics include an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research, the review of literature, developing research questions, research design, instrumentation, data collection, and writing a research proposal. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) (with a minimum grade of B or higher) or consent. F2F and Online Spring Ed Psychology
LTEC 665 Research Design: Multiple Methods and Traditions Explores research methods used in educational technology with a focus on developing a design for dissertation research. Emphasis is on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. LTEC PhD majors only. Hybrid Varies Learning Design & Technology
SPED 642 Seminar on Applied Research/Special Education Study and development of applied research topics in special education. Focus on being an informed consumer of research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, and survey). Study and development of applied research topics in special education. Focus on being an informed consumer of research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, and survey). Online Spring (Not offered Spring 2024) Special Education
EDEA 629 Educational Statistics Introduction to quantiative methods (descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, multiple regression. F2F or Online Fall Ed Admin
EDEP 601 Introduction to Quantitative Methods Introductory graduate-level statistics in education and social sciences. Topics on descriptive and inferential statistics including central tendency, variability, sampling distribution, z-test, t-test, correlation, simple linear regression, and one-way ANOVA. (Meets PhD common inquiry methods requirement or elective.) F2F and Online Fall and Spring Ed Psychology
KRS 673 Research Methods in KRS The use of experimental designs/models in physical education research with emphasis on understanding the concepts, applications, and interpretations of statistical analysis. F2F or Online (varies) Fall Kinesiology & Rehab Science
LTEC 668 Quantitative Research in Educational Technology Application of methodological and statistical concepts in a projects-based classroom framework. Formative and summative evaluation, measurements, descriptive, and inferential statistics. LTEC PhD majors only. EDUC PhD majors only with consent. Hybrid Fall Learning Design & Technology
SPED 641H Seminar in Issues in Special Education: Single Case Research Seminar on (H) single case research Online Summer Special Education
EDCS 632 Qualitative Research Methods Methods of qualitative research in education or related social science from an interdisciplinary framework. Online Fall and Spring Curriculum Studies
EDEA 604/
EDEP 613
Qualitative Research Methods in Education Introduction to methods of qualitative research. F2F or Online Fall/Spring Ed Admin
Ed Psychology
LTEC 667 Qualitative Research in Educational Technology Introduction to qualitative research traditions and designs. Emphasis will be on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. LTEC PhD majors only. EDUC PhD majors only with consent. Hybrid Spring Learning Design & Technology
EDEA 608/
EDEP 602
Survey Research Design and Analysis Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Online and F2F Spring, varies Ed Admin
Ed Psychology
EDEA 704 Advanced Qualitative Research Study in trends, research and problems. Prerequisities: 604 or instructor consent. F2F or Online Fall Ed Admin
EDEP 604 Applied Regression and ANOVA Introduction to linear statistical models as principle of data analysis. Topics include multiple regression models with continuous and categorical predictors. ANOVA with multiple factors, ANOVA with repeated measures, and ANCOVA. Pre: 601 or EDEA 629 (with a grade of B+), or consent. F2F and Online Spring Ed Psychology
EDEP 606 Multivariate Methods Multivariate forms of multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and co-variance, and exploratory factor analysis are developed. Pre: 604, PSY 610, or consent. F2F and Online Fall, varies Ed Psychology
EDEP 612 Multilevel Modeling for Cross-Sectional & Longitudinal Data Theories and applications of multilevel model to analyze cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Topics include two-level and three-level models, growth models, and multilevel logistic regression. Pre: 604, PSY 610, 612 (with a minimum grade of B or higher), or consent. F2F and Online Fall or Spring Ed Psychology
EDEP 616 Measurement in Education and Social Sciences Concepts, theories and practices in testing and measurement. Specific topics include classical and modern test theories, reliability estimation, validity, psychometric validation methods including factor analysis and item response theory. Pre: 604 or PSY 610 or consent. F2F and Online Fall or Spring Ed Psychology
EDEP 618 Categorical Data Analysis Theories and methods for data analysis with categorical and discrete variables; analysis of contingency tables, loglinear models, introduction to generalized linear models for binary, nominal, ordinal, and count outcomes in cross-sectional and longitudinal data sets. Pre: 604, PSY 610, or consent. F2F and Online Fall or Spring Ed Psychology
EDEP 625 Structural Equation Modeling Theories and applications to test models with manifest and latent variables. Topics include path analysis, factor analysis, latent variable model, multi-group analysis, latent means model, and other advanced topics in SEM. Pre: 606, PSY 610, PSY 614, or consent. F2F and Online Fall or Spring Ed Psychology
EDEP 626 Psychometric Methods Theories and applications of modern psychometrics. Topics include item response theory, detecting biased items, measurement invariance, and current issues in psychometrics. Pre: 604 (with a minimum grade of B+) or consent. F2F and Online Fall or Spring Ed Psychology
EDCS 732 Qualitative Data Analysis Advanced seminar in qualitative research methods with an emphasis upon qualitative data analysis, theory construction, data presentation and reporting. Pre: 632, a course in introduction to qualitative research methods; or consent. Hybrid Fall (odd years) Curriculum Studies
LTEC 781 Advanced Qualitative Analysis in LTEC Advanced research methods focused on management and analysis of qualitative data using technology. Reviews of different qualitative designs, data types, analytical methods, and software. Focused study of one qualitative design. Includes independent research project. Repeatable one time. EDUC, LTEC PhD majors only. Pre: 667 or graduate level qualitative research course. (Summer only) Online Summer/Varies Learning Design & Technology
EDCS 780 Mixed Methods Research Design Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as DIS 780 and LTEC 780) Hybrid Summer Curriculum Studies
LTEC 780 Mixed Methods Research Design Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. Online Summer/Varies Learning Design & Technology
EDEP 657 Introduction to Program Evaluation Introduction to concepts and issues related to program evaluation. Topics include formative and summative uses, planning and design approaches, and metaevaluation processes. A-F only. Pre: 608 (or equivalent). Hybrid or Online Fall Ed Psychology
SPED 740 Single-Case Experimental Design Advanced single-case experimental design; examines the logic of internal and external validity of small “N” design and its functionalist foundations. F2F or Online Contact chair Special Education
EDCS 769 Curriculum and Program Evaluation Critical examination of theoretical and methodological positions on curriculum and educational program evaluation. Pre: classified doctoral student or consent. Hybrid Spring (odd years) Curriculum Studies
EDCS 760 Research on Teaching and Teacher Education Examination of alternative approaches and multidisciplinary perspectives on research on teaching and learning in and out of school, on educational change, and on teacher education and professional development. Pre: classified PhD student or consent. Hybrid Fall (even years) Curriculum Studies
LTEC 782 Design-Based Research in Education Provides an introduction to design-based research in education. Reviews different design-based methods and guides students through the process of conducting original design-based research. Focuses on the gap between research and practice. Pre: 667 (with a minimum grade of B) and 668 (or concurrent) Online Summer/Varies Learning Design & Technology

Research Areas

Looking for potential committee chairs or research collaborators? Get to know our faculty and their research! There are so many research areas represented at the COE, but here are some broad interest areas to explore our faculty directory. Click on faculty profiles to see their research and bios!

To check if faculty are eligible to serve on your committee, please see the Committee Composition Requirements and the Committee Member Search on the Grad Division site.

Research Software & Tools

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