Action-oriented data decision making
How has the AODDM strategy been implemented and perceived at each level of HIDOE’s tri-level system?
The purpose of this project has been to understand how leadership and staff at the school, complex area, and state level of the Hawaii State Department of Education have implemented the Action-Oriented Data Decision-making strategy and the impact the strategy has had on perceptions of data use and analysis. Through one-on-one interviews with staff at all three levels, researchers compared the various processes and procedures employed to collect, analyze and use data to inform instructional practice. The goal of this project has been to assist HIDOE in understanding how these data processes have been learned, communicated, and implemented in order to share promising practices and improve sustainable process development and implementation procedures.
Conference Presentation
Ng, S.C. & Edwards Jr., D. B. (2024, December 3). A flashlight, not a hammer: Shifting perceptions of data use in the Hawai‛i State Department of Education [Poster Presentation]. 2024 Australia Association for Research in Education Annual Meeting, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Research Questions
How have data-informed decision-making processes and practices been developed?
How have data-informed decision-making processes and practices been implemented in schools and complex areas? What are the areas of success and areas of challenge?
How have data-informed decision-making processes and practices been articulated between the different levels of the Hawaiʻi DOE?
DOE Partners
Lisa Wilkinson
School Transformation Branch Director
School Transformation Branch
Rampal Singh
Educational Specialist
School Transformation Branch
COE Faculty Member
HERN Fellow
Siobhan Ng
Doctoral student
Educational Foundations