Hawaiian Newspaper Translations- All
Summary: Mount Pelee erupts (caribbean), red glow seen in Hawaii/Waianae three weeks later.
Summary: Earthquake, collapsing of the edges, sulfur are being recognized regarding the Pit of Pele, and they feature the return of that supernatural woman of Halemaʻumaʻu to her palace.
Summary: Summarizing the relationship of the moon to the ocean tides.
Summary: A call to plant more kalo in rural areas since the loʻi in town are being dried up.
Reference: Donʻt Neglect Taro Farming / Mai Hoʻopalaleha i ke kanu kalo (1911, Auk 8). Kūʻokoʻa Home Rula, Volume IX, Number 33.
Summary: On the value of growing rice instead of kalo in Hawaiʻi
Reference: Farming Rice: Suitable for Hawaiʻi? / ʻO ke kanu raiki, he kūpono anei kēia i ko Hawaiʻi nei (1863, Pep 21). Ka Nūpepa Kūʻokoʻa, Volume II, number 8
Summary: A comparison of traditional and modern farming techniques
Reference: Ancient and Modern Farming Techniques / ke ʻano o ka mahi kalo ʻana o ka wā kahiko me kēia au hou (1930, July 17). Ke alakaʻi o Hawaiʻi, Volume III, Number 11.
Summary: Advice on soil management, pest control, and cultivar selection for high-yield sweet potato farming for profit.
Summary: A warning against carelessly discarding matches, lest children find them and eat the poisonous sulfur tips.
Summary: Amusing anecdote/dialogue on why moss doesn’t grow on a metal ball in a Kualoa River demonstrating scientific curiosity, inquiry. Other topics: Industrial waste pollution.
Summary: An 1857 article announcing the first introduction of frogs in order to keep pests down in a loʻi.
Summary: Praising the benefits of the swallow for mosquito biocontrol; also demonstrates rapid mental math.
Summary: Punishment for fishing on the Sabbath for anae holo in Waikīkī.
Summary: An ad prohibiting fishing for amaama in a private Waikīkī fishery.
Summary: Announcing the end of a school of halalu in Waikīkī.
Reference: Halalū Run (1899, October 21). Ka Loea Kalaiaina, Volume III, Number 41.
Summary: Announcing a school of Halalu in Honolulu Harbor, with an explanation of their cultural relation to ali’i and the changing beliefs.
Summary: Announcing passage of a bill banning the collection of limu by non-natives for commercial purposes.
Reference: Limu Bill Passes / Holo ka Bila Limu (1939, May 17). Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 3.
Summary: Describing a bill prohibiting the gathering of limu for commercial purposes.
Summary: A letter protesting the Board of Health’s prohibition on fishing.
Summary: Arrest for fishing in the Ala Wai.
Summary: An article describing land divisions, soil, water, and wind characteristics, lifestyle, neighborhoods, and people in Palolo.
Reference: Pālolo Valley / Ke Awawa o Palolo (1866, September 17). Ke Au Okoa, Volume II, Number 22, aa3.
Summary: A report on the Board of Healthʻs work to install sewer lines in Mōʻiliʻili
Reference: A Sewer for Kamōʻiliʻili / Makemake ka papa ola i sua no Kamōʻiliʻili ETC (1929, Auk 15). Ke Alakaʻi o Hawaiʻi, Volume II, Number 16.