Zoom Practice and Synchronous Engagement Session

Leading the way in online teaching and learning, the COE Technology & Distance Programs (TDP) and Department of Learning Design & Technology (LTEC) have been extending their support to faculty and staff campus-wide since the COVID-19 transition to online courses. Together with the UH Mānoa Center for Teaching Excellence, TDP and LTEC have been hosting online professional development (PD) sessions on topics ranging from Zoom practice and synchronous engagement to instructional design.

Join LTEC faculty members Peter Leong and Seungoh Paek and TDP Director Paul McKimmy for Social Hour – Share What You’re Trying on April 24, 2020 at noon. This is a virtual Zoom collaboration with no agenda – just BYOB and discuss what you are trying or interested in trying.

LTEC has also arranged for free access to hoonuit for all UHM faculty through June 15, 2020. This online training resource can assist with the university’s transition to remote teaching, particularly with the first Summer Session approaching. To access content, please visit https://learnit.hoonuit.com/ and enter Username: UHM / Password: learn.

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