
Inquiry Sequence Core (12 credits)

    • LTEC 665 Research Design: Multiple Methods and Traditions (3) Explores research methods used in educational technology with a focus on developing a design for dissertation research. Emphasis is on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis.
  • LTEC 667 Qualitative Research in Educational Technology (3) Introduction to qualitative research traditions and designs. Emphasis will be on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. 
  • LTEC 668 Quantitative Research in Educational Technology (3) Application of methodological and statistical concepts in a projects-based classroom framework. Formative and summative evaluation, measurements, descriptive, and inferential statistics.
  • Advanced research methods course: May not be taken until after taking at least two of the three courses above and preferably all three. See UHM department websites for advanced research offerings outside of LTEC, but these must be approved by your advisor. LTEC advanced research courses may include one of the following:
    • LTEC 780 Mixed Methods Research Design (3) Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. 
    • LTEC 781 Technology in Qualitative Analysis (3) Advanced research methods focused on management and analysis of qualitative data using technology. Reviews of different qualitative data types, analytical methods, and software. Includes an independent research project. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only. A-F only. Pre: 667 or graduate level qualitative research course. 
    • LTEC 782 Design-Based Research in Education (3) Provides an introduction to design-based research in education. Reviews different design-based methods and guides students through the process of conducting original design-based research. Focuses on the gap between research and practice. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 667 (with a minimum grade of B) and 668 (or concurrent).