If a student takes the HWST 442 gateway course and then decides not to participate in the HWST BA/MEdT BAM pathway, the student may  be able to apply HWST 442 to their declared area of concentration provided HWST 442 is an option in their specific area of concentration.  HWST 442 is an option in 3 of the 5 areas of concentration.    The student should meet with the HWST academic advisor to discuss whether or not the course is an option in their declared area of concentration and therefore be considered a degree requirement and l be eligible for financial aid.


The two gateway courses for the HAW BA/MEdT pathway (HAW 331 and HAW 452) are required courses for the BA in Hawaiian, so if a student who takes the gateway courses then decides not to pursue the pathway, these two courses would still count towards their BA in Hawaiian.