Greetings! First, allow me to thank all of you for your commitment, hard work, and support of our college and students. With so much information circulating, which impacts UH Mānoa and certainly the College of Education, I would like to share some insights and notes that continue to be part of our discussion.
In this inaugural issue, you will learn more about topics ranging from UH Mānoa and Academic Affairs to COE Updates as well as Programs and Notices. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a platform to inform and update on the issues being addressed across campus as well as the UH System. I welcome each member of our COE ohana to contact my office or Communications Coordinator Jennifer Parks beaulieu@hawaii.edu to contribute to future newsletters.
- Reorganization – Forum held on November 2, 2018 with President and Interim UH Mānoa Chancellor David Lassner
- Tuition Rates – Over the next four years, proposed tuition rates for professional schools to remain flat, graduate tuition for non-resident will be reduced, resident tuition for undergraduates and graduates will not increase
- HI Promise Program – $19 million requested for the program from Chancellor’s Office
- Pūlama Lāna‘i – Interested in doing more with UH, e.g. elevating educational attainment and building a center for rural education
- “Modern Lab School Data” – Request from Chancellor’s Office for modern data from our college in connection with the Lab School – please let your chairs know of any faculty conducting research with Lab School
- Budget – Seven positions approved for immediate search; budget prioritization and allocation process meeting set for November 29–30, 2018 (VCAA/Deans meeting to determine “new budget” model for Mānoa)
- Academic Affairs Deans topics discussed and articulated:
- EHSO Laboratory Safety – Hans Nielson discussed the procedures for lab safety and introduced an online survey to determine and gauge lab safety. Consideration for our science faculty will be given once the classroom lab is built.
- Aloha United Way – Mel Colquitt presented their AUW goal for UH Mānoa ($275,000), which reached 57% of this target. COE donations increased from last year.
- Communications – Dan Meisenzahl reintroduced his newest team member, Associate Director of Communications Brent Suyama.
- Commencement – There was discussion about how PhD degrees, professional doctorates, and dissertations are to be read during commencement.
- Board of Regents – There is a BOR process to follow in order to collect funds from students.
- Athletics Partnership – Professor of the Week series to be highlighted during games at the Stan Sheriff Cente
- Strategic Conferences – Hawai‘i Tourism Authority willing to work with units to see if conferences can be held in Hawai‘i
- Interdisciplinary Studies – Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education to review and revise
- Kahualike – UH Digital Collection
- Construction
- Delayed due to storm drain permitting
- Area where UHS-1 stood to be covered with gravel and used as a staging area for construction and grading of the area on UHS-2
- Mid-Spring Semester deadline extended to summer as a result of delay
- Modules on island November 9, 2018
- Thank you all for your patience with our parking situation!
- Strategic Plan – Committee has met with the goal of working out what the college will be like in the next five years. Dr. Pua Kaai is facilitating this committee.
- Teacher Academies – We are extending our recruitment efforts to high schools in the form of teacher academies.
- Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds – Successful second and third performances were held on October 31 and November 1, 2018 by the Hawai‘i Symphony Orchestra.
- CPED Dissertation in Practice Award – Congratulations to Dr. Erin N.K. Thompson for her award-winning dissertation.
- Manoa Green Days – The COE will participate.
- Carl and Alice Daeufer Education Lecture Series will continue in Spring 2019, hosted by EDEF.
- World University Ranking – The college is ranked 97 out of 428 universities by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.
- Teacher Education Coordinating Committee (TECC) – TECC recently participated in the Education Sector Partnership Meeting with Hawai’i P-20 to identify opportunities for strengthening K-12 education for Hawai’i students
- Be A Hero. Be A Teacher Campaign – The extended campaign will run through the end of March 2019.