SchoolTools graphic

SchoolTools is one of KITV 4 Island News’s most successful community service projects. Through a 30+ year partnership with Helping Hands Hawaiʻi and other business and community support, SchoolTools gives low-income and houseless students free basic educational tools to aid in their scholastic development, removing some of the burden from families and teachers and contributing to a more prosperous future.

  • The goal for this year’s campaign is to raise enough money to have 2,100 backpacks.
  • Each backpack, or kit, is $34.
  • Donations will be accepted through July 31st.

Watch the COE’s very own Recruitment Specialist Janet Kim, Dean Nathan Murata, and Graduate Student Candide Krieger talk about why this project and others like it are so important to our keiki, our classrooms, and our future.

Janet Kim Live Interview

Dean Murata Live Interview

Candide Kreiger Live Interview

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