2019-03-09 from 10:52:00 to 11:34:00
Number of students: 21
School: UH Manoa
Transect lines: 5
Transect line length: 20
Point spacing: 2 meters
Quadrats per transect: 5
Quadrat spacing: 1 meter
Wind speed: 13–18 mph
Weather conditions: Partly Cloudy
Wind speed reference location: Ewa Beach
Wave height: 1–3
Wave height reference location: Ewa Beach
Environmental Stressors: None
Low tide time: 12:02:00
Low tide height: 0.4 ft
Low tide reference location: Pearl Harbor, Barber Point
Number of visitors: 1–5
Number of fishers: 0
Number of collectors: 0
Number of students: 21
School: UH Manoa
Transect lines: 5
Transect line length: 20
Point spacing: 2 meters
Quadrats per transect: 5
Quadrat spacing: 1 meter
Wind speed: 13–18 mph
Weather conditions: Partly Cloudy
Wind speed reference location: Ewa Beach
Wave height: 1–3
Wave height reference location: Ewa Beach
Environmental Stressors: None
Low tide time: 12:02:00
Low tide height: 0.4 ft
Low tide reference location: Pearl Harbor, Barber Point
Number of visitors: 1–5
Number of fishers: 0
Number of collectors: 0
Organisms expected at this location

Acanthophora spicifera

Avrainvillea amadelpha

Bornetella sphaerica

Brown Crust
Champia parvula

Codium spp

Crustose Coralline Algae

Dasya spp

Dendropoma gregaria

Dictyosphaeria spp

Dictyota spp

Gracilaria salicornia

Halimeda discoidea

Hermit Crab

Hydroclathrus clathratus

Hypnea spp

Laurencia spp

Liagora spp

Microdictyon setchellianum

Neomeris spp

Padina spp
Pennaria disticha

Snail spp

Turf spp

Ulva spp