Nāmāhana Kaʻeo-Young
BEd SPED Hawkins' Scholar
"To work in the field of education, especially special education, is to be given the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of many children."
Maui, HI
Special Education
Related Degrees
- BEd in Special Education
Why did you choose to become a teacher, in general?
Being a teacher, I think, is one of the most rewarding professions there is. They play a major role in the lives of their students and are provided with the opportunity to leave a significant impact. Growing up as a haumana of the papahana Kaiapuni, I was guided by many kumu who all left a profound influence on the person I am today. Our student and teacher relationship went far beyond the classroom. They encouraged originality and taught their students to build a strong work ethic. I learned how to stay disciplined and was guided in the right direction in terms of identifying what I find important in life. Each kumu was passionate about what they did and to me, it was an inspiration to continue to educate and help all children grow both as a student and as an individual. I aspire to help children grow in all aspects of life, both in and outside of the classroom.
Why did you choose to become licensed in special education?
My passion for working in the field of special education stems from helping to take care of my younger sibling who is developmentally delayed. She is now a sophomore in the Special Education Program as well as the Hawaiian Immersion Program at Ke Kula Kaiapuni o Maui ma Kekaulike. Over the years, I’ve come to realize the importance of inclusion and have learned that she, along with other children like her, are capable of so much. To work in the field of education, especially special education, is to be given the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of many children. Special education teachers are significant in creating an environment where all students are provided with the support specific to their needs in order to grow both in and outside of the classroom and this is something that I would love to be a part of.
Why do you feel it is important to have diversity in the classroom?
Creating a diverse classroom environment allows for a dynamic learning environment. Students learn to understand, accept and embrace students from different backgrounds or cultures which become important qualities for outside the school environment as well. The children in the classroom learn to converse and build relationships with other children from diverse backgrounds, ultimately creating a sense of belonging and unity. Students as well as teachers learn to appreciate different perspectives through diversity in classrooms which eventually becomes important for life outside the school environment. Children learn to establish essential skills like teamwork, communication and cross-cultural sensitivity. Ultimately, creating a diverse classroom environment ensures that every student feels a sense of belonging and is valued throughout their academic experiences.