Mauro Moschetti

Mauro C. Moschetti

Assistant Professor, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Mauro C. Moschetti is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Theories of Education and Social Pedagogy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Senior Researcher at the Department of Sociology in the context of the ERC-funded project ‘ReformED’ (GA-680172). His research is located at the intersection of policy sociology, sociology of education, education policy, and comparative and international education. His work has focused on education privatization, public–private partnerships, market policies in education, and the political economy of education policy in low- and middle-income countries (particularly in Latin America). He is currently the co-coordinator in a three-year $900,000 grant-funded project entitled, “Crisis Management for Disaster Risk Reduction in Education Systems: Learning from the Elaboration and Integration of Technology-Focused Strategies in El Salvador, Honduras, and Colombia.” Previously, he has worked in R+D+I competitive research projects funded by different European and Latin American research agencies that have allowed him to analyze processes of education reform in different national and sub-national contexts. Over the years, he has collaborated with various educational and research organizations, including Education International, UNESCO, the Global Partnership for Education, and the Open Societies Foundation, and has held permanent, research and visiting positions at the University of San Andrés (Argentina), University of the North (Colombia), Torcuato Di Tella University (Argentina), University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), and the University of Girona (Spain).


Barcelona, Spain


Journal Articles

Edwards Jr., D.B., Moschetti, M., Martin, P., & Morales, R. (Eds.) (in progress). Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean: Global forces, local responses.

Edwards Jr., D.B., Moschetti, M., & Caravaca, A. (2022). Globalization, Privatization, and the State: Contemporary education reform in post-colonial contexts. Routledge.

​​Edwards Jr, D.B., Caravaca, A., & Moschetti, M. C. (2021). Network governance and new philanthropy in Latin America and the Caribbean: reconfiguration of the State. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42(8), 1210-1226.

Caravaca, A., Moschetti, M. C., & Edwards Jr., D. B. (2021) The privatization of educational policy and network governance in the Dominican Republic. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(128), 1-19.

Moschetti, M. C., Martínez Pons, M., Bordoli, E., & Martinis, P. (2020). The increasing role of non-State actors in education policy making. Evidence from Uruguay. Journal of Education Policy, 35(3), 367-393.

Verger, A., Moschetti, M. C., & Fontdevila, C. (2020). How and why policy design matters: Understanding the diverging effects of public-private partnerships in education. Comparative Education, 56(2), 278-303.