I was born in Pahoa. Puna but have spent my early years in Lihue, Kauai and Pearl City, Oahu. In Lihue, sugar cane, rice, fishing and other industries are xtensively carried. Oahu produces all kinds of island products, save coffee. In Pearl City, rice pineapples and fishing are the main industries.

Of the above mentioned places, I have a faint impression of Lihue. Every Christmas there I received many toys, especially dolls, much to my pleasure. The people were rather well to do and very helpful. I can recall clearly our home in Pearl City. It was red and white, two story building with seven rooms and a basement. The parlor was rather dark, with stiff backed walnut rockers and chairs covered with crochet lace coverlets, a portable phonograph, & lauhala couch, a glass case in which were choice varities of Hawaiian crafts, such as calabashes, nets, eto. Family pictures covered the walls, also club diplomas. In the dining room was a round walnut table with six chairs around it, to one side of the corner was a koa writing table for my father, and another side a bullet. The kitchen had all the usual utensils, save that we had an oil stove and a safe and oil lamps.

Crabs were abundant at this place so we constantly had them. The food eaten by the family was of the usual Hawaiian type, differing only the menus on birthdays, holidays, and when visitors called.

Mother’s favorite calling dresses were black or wite holokus and other colored holokus for home. Dad was always dressed in his minister’s calling suitinot his Sunday ceremonial suits). My sisters were tight waisted dresses with long lengths. The boys wore clothes customary to the styles of the time. As for me, I seem to have worn lengthy dresses for a matured person of three times my age, hair parted in the middle and braided at the tips of which were tied bright colored yarns, always barefooted save on special occasions.

Father was the monarch of the home. He never did any house hold auties but studied and worked out his religious problems and ser mons. Mother was his slave. Dad was very partioular over his clothes, shoes, books. Ah, but he could not foretell what life he was to lead in later life with his second wife. Poor Dad. We children loved our parents. I always went to mother for safety and comfort, to dad for money or candy. I must say that I was quite a tattler at the time and received many spankings from other members of the family, but mother at times gave them in return spankings.
At the time of my birth, father was both a Protestant (Hawaiian minister and judge for the Puna district, but due to financial losses in the Olao Plantation will in which dad held thousands of shares, the family moved to Lihue, Kaiai. At the time I 178, eighteen months old. In Lihue dad was the pastor for the Lihue Hawaiian Evangecal Church. After six years stay here, dad’s health became poor, 80 we a gain moved to Pearl City, Oahu, where father was pastor for the Hawaiian Protestant Church. Although quite little, I had quite a reputation of going to
RASRL,Life Histories – Part Hawaiian
the stores and taking out things without giving them money in return, for I thought there was no need of it.
Yy father was born in Walkee. Maui and mother at Kamalli, Funa, Hawaii. Both parents are nure Hawaiian, a foot of which I am very proud. Mother WAS very liht and was always regarded as a haole. This whiteness of her skin caused much comment among the kawaiians. Then we were livin. in Panoa. Puna, the bathhouse was outside and mother always bathed with ivory 80an. The Hawaiians spied at times on her bathind and broadcasted around that the reason mother was white was die to the fact that she bathed with white ivory soap. The deer ignorant
de Father is a graduate of Lahainaluna Seminary. Mother had very little schoolin. At the time of their schooling their education was received in Hareiian and how father learned to read, talk and understand English rets ne puzzled. Mother, although she received little education, VES constantly in the company of haoles, being the daughter of & repu table sea captain, and hence learned to speak English and read it also fluently. Hawaiian and English, therefore, were used in our family circle. Everyone in the family read the bible, for Dad and bother the Hawaiian newspapers, the
Hoku and Nivepa Kuokoa and Hawaiian stories, for the children, stories and the Star Bulletin.
I have attended the Lihue Grammar School, the Pearl City School. The Kawalahao Seminary, the Hilo Union School, the Kapiolani School, the Hilo Junior High end at pres nt the Hilo Senior High. Of all studies, I like literature because the lessons studied in it seem to take part in my daily life, and being very emotional, I like to read or act in such a manner. Arithmetic is the least lesson I like and fortunate for myself none of my family will see this, for they all are cood mathematicians. My father was the brightest boy in arithmetio in h!3 school. Ever since my high school days, I have always liked dra matics but have never joined any such class because of my dark complex.
ion. For three years I have been in girls’ basket ball and for many time years have been a member of a literary society and a Girl Reserve Club.
I have never had many difficulties in school dave for the rather discracelul fact that I failed for two years in the lower grades. This was all due to my laziness to study. After the second failure, I made up my mind never to fail and as yet have not. Mother helped me with my reading and dad with my arithmetic, but I never even heard. nin for I always went to sleep when he explained my problems. During
the third grade my older sister W&& my teacher and the spankings I received. After the dinner dishes were washed, my teacher sister would call me for my lessons, but I would have already changed into my night clothes and reign sleep. Oh, if I could only live over those old days
Eain I know I would be a happier person. Res
. Ky favorite reading books were fairy tales, and I seem to have read a lot.
The best of all the people I have neut, no one has bean more wonderful to me than my own beloved mother. She was an ideal mother, the best
friend, conforter, and on—–Yes, I say oh because I had not realized how really wonderful she was till now when I am old for mother died when I was not yet nine years. When she went to live with our Heavenly Father I thought that I would die. Her ideals, I wish in future years to fulfill. I cannot express—my heart is too heavy with frief.
I seemed to have desired nothing more than candy during my childhood days, this was always granted to me. Before my ninth birth day, 3d have already written, my mother died, and her death has been the worst disappointment and unhappiness dealt to me. About the age of twelve, Dad again married and this time he was the slave of his VIe. Dad’s second marriage and unhappy life made and is still making me unhappy.
the best After I had seen that my sister was rather dressy, earning her wages as a teacher, at the age of ten I decided to become a teacher. When I reached the seventh grade I liked literature and the reciting of poems and stories and thought to myself that I would make a good dranatic teacher. But I know that such an indea is fruitless. My Ianily since the first sister now three teachers) became a teacher decided to have all the girls become teachers.
Some of my pet day dreams are to own a cozy home with a mod erate in one; never to marry unless the right Sir Lancelot comes along; to be a dramatic teacher; help pay off family debts; to travel abroad; and to own a priceless collection of Oriental, American, European and Havallad &rus Bulld C1&
a I notice that the islands have an excess of Orientals and many of the already mentioned group are fast filling teaching positions. The Hawaiian children are being left stranded of many positions. I believe that these Orientals should be restricted from entering the islands in large numbers.
I think that agricultural education should not be particu larly stressed upon for we all cannot be working on the plantations. Besides the islands could not be raisins all its own products due to climatic conditions. Vocational training should be taught to every boy and girl but not only one particular field.
I expect to live out my last days on these beautiful islands dud to my love of them and because I am a daughter of the soil. My race is dying out and I would rather live here and contribute dy part to its benefit than live in the Orient or the American mainland.
One of my pet hobbies is reading. After this favorite hobby of nine comes singing. After my work is done I can sing and read the whole day. To be truthful, I prefer doing these two things
BE In school I have mingled with all the children of the racial groups and have found them to be the best of friends. Of the whole Eroup, I am prejudiced & cainst the Orientals, partly due to the fact that they just swarm the islands and do not pay taxes, yet their children
derive benefits of all.
In recitations, the Orientals are very bright, but uet I am gure Hawaiian students nay be bright also 11 they put more interest in their studying. I love singing and am very emotional.
Many has been the time when I have laughed at some of the ideas of my racial group, the Hawaiians. For instance, many of them used to believe and stili believe in spirits, in Kahunas, and in that belief that Pele always flows in the direction of mean, stingy Hawaiian. people.
At times when calling or meeting Hawaiian people, I have often shaken hands with them instead of offering my lips, cheek or nose to be kissed, the result of which I am often regarded aa being ofl standish.
I speak Hawaiian only in church, in the company or old Hawaiian people, to my dad, or to friends discussing something when haoles, Chinese, etc. are with us, so that the others would not under stand. However, I speak very little and brokenly but understand well. Of this lackness of my mother tongue, I regret very much for my parai ts are well learned in it, but most of my life has been spent with my brothers and sisters who rarely speak Hawaiian in their homes. I hope to study Hawaiian in the schools of Honolulu. I lervently wis
that the Hawaiian language would be taught in every school of the territory, but especially for the Hawaiiang 1 t is of vital importance. To me the utterance of Hawaiian words are very musical and I low easily from the mouth.
Hawaiian poetry and literature are full of beauty and romance, phantom like, with endless heoric battles and struggles. Every stone, leaf, grass, etc., has a legend connected with it, Hawaiian literature differs greatly from the English and American literatures in that it is legendary, lyrical and mythical. Dad in hes Sermons and conversations gives many funny anecdotes over which I have had many laugh s.
I love to read Hawaiian legends because some of them did with My relatives and I seem to have been present at the time the incidents
occurred because we tread the very sound of its occurrance every day
Dad has always scolded my married sister for rebuking their ho sbands. I consider this to be old fashioned as women are now show
ing equal rights with men. A
Hawaiians have many customs, ideas and practices which may be done away with. Two of them, I believe should be upheld by the younger generations. The Hawaiians race are of a kind nature and very hospitable. As soon as a guest comes to the house. he is asked to dine, even if there is only pol in the house, and the best is flered him. At the deaprture of any loved one, it is customary to give leis to him. I think these two and the speaking of the young Hawaiians 01 their mother tongue should be upheld by the younger generation.
Father believes in our marrying good honest men and women of the saving type, the wife ready to do every bidding of the husband. But I simply refuse being manhandled as women have been for years. I will either find one to suit me or none at all. Anyway, since bhild hood I have planned never to marry.
RD BAS I am of a very patriotic spirit(no flattering) and you may be assured of this if you see me in the rooting section. As for participating in holiday and school actifities, I offer what I am capable of doing.
ly home in my early childhood were in haole residential sections and I mingled freely among the haole children. They made lovable companions. But as I got higher and higher in my education,
I noticed that the haoles were receiving better marks and less scold ings than the deserved. I resolved that when I did become a teacher I would never favor anyone–more so the whites.
I have joined a literary society, and Girl Reserve Club and find myself the only pure Hawaiian girl amidst Orientals and haoles. At these meetince my racial prejudices are forgotten because of the predominating link of sisterly love.
As I have already mentioned I never intend to marry. Yet to I have in mind the one I’d like to marry. My ide that of a pure Hawaiian or a hall white of dark complexion that may be mistaken for a pure Hawaiian, little taller than myself, of similar tastes, a leader, successful of all his undertakings, a lover at all times and eager to regard me as a fellow helper. He must be well edu cated and of high intellectual powers. I want a Hawaiian and no other because he will understand each other because of the same racial cus toms, food, eto.
My parents, as I have already mentioned, believe that women should be under their husbands. Japanese, I believe, regard harriage as such als0. All this I do not approve of to no extent. I believe that a woman should respect her husband in all cages, to be his fellow helper and not his slave. If the two of them are working, the hus bana’s money should be spent for household purposes, the wife’s money to be put in the savings bank and pleasures for the family. The children should never be independent of the parents until they are of age.
I free with all the haole love affairs and sentimental matters and regard them &8 being very apropriate. Orientals are restrained in their love making and hardly any real affection abounds in both parties–save that of finding a mate. The American mates are of similar tastes and their love all’airs are real thrilling. The
American newspapers and billboards are always filled with new ideas, humerous, advancing, etc. That of the Orientals deal mainly with their own interests.
I think the American family is the happiest and most success. ful Of all racial families. Everyone contributes his part for the in terests of the family as a whole. Living near la ole-Americans and read ing books true to life have proven this to be true.
When I do set up a family, I would like to introduce the haole and Hawaiian ways of living. The haole in dress, arrangement of home, gardens, speech, studies, fixtures of home, the Hawaiie118 in speech, best customs, curios, singing, hule, food, studies. My home would be a white and green bungalow of eight rooms, every thing modern, one room for all my priceless arts and crafts, a maid, one car, bright colored flowers in the front, a tea garden, vegetable gardens in the back, some chickens, dogs, horses and birds.
As a little child, the reason why I liked to go to church was to win something for going to church every Sunday and because communion Sunday. Whenever the plate was passed to mother, I grabbed the cubes of bread and ate them hungrily. My parents are of the Protestant faith end so are all the family. I think it to be the best. But the Hawaiian churches have some difficulty in cooperative work. Yet I believe this attitude will not last long. As to the Hawaiian-born children of immigrants, they should go to the church to which they trink have their ideals of religion.
My religious nature 18 satisfied as to the existing religious organizations because they have done much in the uplifting of the modern day problems, relief work, slum work, etc.
At the present day, Rehabilitation Bills for the Hawaiiens are being passed and I am glad of it because the natives are no longer orining their owa homes. I feel that I should devote myself to the service of my group in the teaching field. The money part counts very little but the thought of improving and advancing American ideals to them, yet still retaining our own Hawaiian sustoms and ideals.