Key Dates

July 15, 2024*

Hawaiʻi Early Childhood Educator Stipend Program. Deadlines: Fall tuition – apply by July 15, 2024; Spring tuition – apply by December 1, 2024.

October 1
FAFSA Application Opens on October 1 (Apply ASAP)

Wist Hall Courtyard

What to do first

If your program doesn’t provide tuition stipends, we recommend getting started by applying for FAFSA then searching and applying for COE scholarships. Be sure to review the advice from alumni and staff! 

Apply for FAFSA

Single application for federal grants, work-study program and loans. For more info and how to apply, visit the UHM Financial Aid website.

Search COE Scholarships

Search over 50 different scholarships offered through the COE, only one application required!

Take Our Advice

    Learn from students and advisors what works

Hawaii Hall

UH & Community Funding Opportunities

Additional funding opportunities have been curated and categorized by our faculty and advisors. 


Opportunities offered by the University of Hawaii system.

Education (General)

Education-related, varying eligibility requirements. NOTE: KRS is an education major.

Education (Teaching)

Funding opportunities for those pursuing teaching.


Opportunities specific to students in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science programs

COE Scholarships Common Application

Search over 50 different scholarships offered through the COE, only one application required!


“There are hundreds of scholarships available, so it pays to take the time to search for some you can apply for.”

Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Secondary Education

“Don’t be too intimidated by the process of applying for different scholarships because it can make a big difference!”

BEd Elementary Program

“Start early looking for scholarships and apply to everything”

Bachelor of Science in Health & Exercise Science