
These are funding opportunities for those pursuing teaching. These opportunities are separate from funding available through COE scholarships & stipends.

Henry and Dorothy Castle Memorial Early Childhood Education Scholarships for Undergraduate Students and Mary Tenney Castle Graduate Fellowships For COE students in Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs who are teaching or intend to teach in Hawai‘i ECE programs upon graduation.

For COE students in Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs who are teaching or intend tp teach in Hawaiʻi ECE programs upon graduation.

The Samuel and Mary Castle Foundation is funding $118,500 in scholarships for early childhood education students on 7 University of Hawai‘i Campuses for 2023-2024.  For COE students in generalist Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs who are teaching or intend to each in Hawai‘i ECE programs upon graduation.

Scholarship Information and Application

Application Opens:  February 1, 2023


  • Fall 2023-Summer 2024 Term:  May 1, 2023*

*Additional applications accepted if funds are available.

For more information email:  ece@hawaii.edu


James & Abigail Campbell Family Foundation Scholarship

For those committed to working as a teacher or education leader serving Wai‘anae Coast communities.

Wai‘anae Coast communities include Nānākuli to Ka‘ena Point, including but not limited to Mā‘ili, Wai‘anae and Mākaha.


  1. Open to full-time, part-time, graduate, or undergraduate students.
  2. Must be an enrolled student, pursuing a degree at the College of Education, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM).
  3. Permanent resident of Hawai‘i.
  4. Graduate of a Hawai‘i high school.
  5. Minimum 3.0 grade point average.

Preferences in order of priority as identified through the application process:

  1. Profess a desire to improve self, the teaching profession, and commit to working as a teacher or education leader serving Wai‘anae Coast communities (Nānākuli to Ka‘ena Point, including but not limited to Mā‘ili, Wai‘anae and Mākaha).
  2. Preference to students who are from Wai‘anae Coast communities (Nānākuli to Ka‘ena Point, including but not limited to Mā‘ili, Wai‘anae and Mākaha).
  3. Preference to students who have done, plan to do field work, or have prior teaching experience in Wai‘anae Coast communities.
  4. Preference given to students of Native Hawaiian ancestry as self-identified.
  5. Fall deadlines vary by year.

The application is closed. The deadline to apply was December 2, 2024.

The Faith C. Ai Memorial Scholarship

Undergraduate and graduate education majors
3.0 GPA


  • Undergraduate students majoring in Education
  • Master’s and Ph.D. graduate students majoring in any subject, as long as they intend to teach
  • Certified educators who are pursuing graduate degrees

Apply Now to the The Faith C. Ai Memorial Scholarship

Hawai‘i Education Association

The Hawai‘i Education Association (HEA) offers four scholarships to teacher education students. Preference may be given to HEA members, children of HEA members, or grandchildren or legally adopted grandchildren of HEA members.

Student Teacher Scholarship:
Student teaching semester

Continuing College Scholarship:
Full time students

Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita Undergraduate Scholarship:
Intend to teach in a Hawai‘i public school, 3.2 GPA

Carol H. Yoneshige Scholarship in memory of Faith C. Ai:

Intend to teach in a Hawaiʻi public school, 3.5 GPA


Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Various scholarships available, one common application

HCF distributes over $7 million annually to deserving students, making it the third largest private provider of post-secondary scholarship in the state. HCF uses a common application for multiple scholarships. The following is a list of HCF teaching-related scholarships. Copy and paste scholarship titles into the HCF database search to find additional details on each scholarship. We also recommend using keywords to search the database as this list may not be exhaustive.

  • Alma White – Delta Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship
  • Dr. Hans and Clara Zimmerman Foundation Education Scholarship
    Classroom teaching
  • Edward Yoshiharu Sakuma & Kay Kubo Sakuma Education Honors Scholarship
    Student teaching semester
  • THINK STEM Educator Scholarship Fund
    STEM teaching in middle or secondary schools.
Kamehameha Schools College Scholarships Scholarships available for Native Hawaiian Students

KS Scholarships Page

  • Hoʻokawowo Scholarship
    The Hoʻokawowo Scholarship is available to Native Hawaiian students interested in pursuing a career in Hawaiian culture-based educational teaching.
  • Nā Hoʻokama a Pauahi
    Available to undergraduate and graduate Native Hawaiian students. The scholarship is offered to students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Kūlana Kumu
    For those pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in education or a teaching certificate
TEACH Grants Grants for those who commit to a teaching service obligation

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete coursework needed to begin a career in teaching. A TEACH Grant requires that you agree to complete a teaching service obligation as a condition for receiving the grant. Review the TEACH Grant website for more information.

Project Equal Access - Hawkins Scholars Funding available for Special Education Teacher Candidates

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be currently enrolled in a UH Mānoa initial teacher licensure program in special education:
    • Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood & Early Childhood Special Education
    • Bachelor of Education, Exceptional Students & Elementary Education
    • Bachelor of Special Education
    • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Special Education (Note: Add-a-field candidates are not eligible)
    • Master of Education in Teaching, Dual Secondary + Special Education

Additional priority consideration will be given to candidates who meet one or more of the following:

  • Candidates of color and diverse backgrounds
  • Candidates who are bilingual or multilingual
  • Candidates from, or who teach in, underrepresented & rural communities across the state
  • Have not already received the Project Equal Access grant funding in previous semesters

To learn more or apply, please visit the Project Equal Access website.