Brown Bag: Student Math Outcomes in the Education Pipeline

3:00pm–4:15pm, Wed Apr 12, 2023

Many math skills build upon each other and once students fall behind, it is difficult for them to catch up. Join us to take a closer look at the impact low math skills have over time and how this information might help determine when interventions may be the most impactful. This event is virtual.

HERN HIDOE Research Community Meeting

9:00am–3:30am, Fri Aug 12, 2022

Three HIDOE teams share how they identified their research topics and collaborated with HERN to develop research partnerships to support their work in the field. The event offered opportunities to share and support research interests in an effort to further collaboration among entities.

Brown Bag: Supporting Systems Thinking and Improvement in Career and Technical Education: The CTE Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

4:00pm–5:00pm, Fri Sep 24, 2021

Abstract: In this presentation we provide an overview of the CTE Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment that we conducted last year. We will explain how we interpreted the Perkins V Plan, designed measures for the needs assessment, gathered and analyzed data, and interpreted results to create the final report. Major findings and lessons learned will be discussed. Presented by: Dr. George Harrison, Associate Professor Educational Psychology Department, UH Mānoa and Dr. Lori Andersen, Assistant Specialist Curriculum Research & Development Group, UH Mānoa  

Brown Bag: No Longer Optional? A Computer Science Landscape Report of Hawaiʻi Public Schools

Abstract: The presence and support for computer science (CS) in Hawai‘i public schools are increasing. From legislative appropriations to increased computer science professional development, under consideration is an increased tiered implementation of CS courses and content in grades 1–12 with a target date of 2024–25 for all elementary and middle schools to offer CS (SB 242). With the passing by the Hawai‘i State Legislature of Act 51 (HRS 302A-323) in 2018, all high schools are now offering CS, and elementary schools can add computer science to report cards. This presentation will share findings from a partnership between the Hawai‘i Department of Education and the Curriculum Research & Development Group to examine the landscape of public school K–12 computer science education in Hawai‘i (, particularly after the passing of Act 51.  Based on analysis of data from the schools and national data systems; a survey of 492 K–12 educators and administrators; and five follow-up sets of interviews with educators and industry partners, we find opportunities have increased in Title I schools, but gaps between males and females and underrepresented minorities still exist. Presented by: Dr. Thanh Truc T. Nguyen, Specialist Curriculum Research & Development Group, UH Mānoa Minara Mordecai, Ph.D. Student Learning Design and Technology, UH Mānoa.


Brown Bag: HERN Fellows’ and Advisors’ Scholarly Projects

On April 6, 2021, five HERN fellows and their advisors presented on their scholarly topics. The presentations were 30 minutes each. Below is a listing of the fellows, the advisors, the topics, and the link to their presentations.

HERN Fellow: Umi Jensen

Advisor: Dr. Lois Yamauchi

Topic: Family and Community Engagement Research in the DOE

Link to presentation:

HERN Fellow: Vera Glushenko

Advisor: Dr. Linda Venenciano

Topic: Uncovering the Research Expertise in the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, College of Education (COE)

Link to presentation:

HERN Fellow: Jianhui Zhang

Advisor: Dr. Amber Makaiau

Topic: Waikīkī Elementary School HIDOE Bright Spot Portrait Project

Link to presentation:

HERN Fellow: Victoria Timmerman

Advisor: Dr. Kathy Ratliffe

Topic: The AFFECT Project, Activating educatorsʻ focus on family engagement as central to teaching

Link to presentation:

HERN Fellow: Haley Radcliffe Pendergast

Advisor: Dr. Patricia Halagao

Topic: Investigating Family-school Partnerships in a Multilingual School Community

Link to presentation:


Brown Bag: Supporting Middle Grades Students Who Struggle in Mathematics

11:45am–12:45pm, Wed Mar 24, 2021

Dr. Diane Bryant, University of Texas- Austin and Dr. Barbara Dougherty of CRDG, the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Mathematics standards in middle grades have a significant focus on algebraic concepts and skills, building a foundation for future success in academic and career pathways. Inadequate preparation in earlier grades may hinder some students in achieving the expected level of understanding, potentially increasing the achievement gap that exists. This presentation focuses on Algebra-readiness Intervention Modules funded by US Dept. of Education for development and an efficacy study. Drs. Bryant and Dougherty will present the research design; a description of the module contents including the mathematical approach, instructional strategies, and assessments; and implications for middle school intervention programs. Zoom Recording via youtube: Presentation Slides can be found using this LINK

Brown Bag: The Hawai’i Data eXchange Partnership: A Data Resource for Cross Sector Educational Research

3:30pm Fri Nov 20, 2020

The Hawai‘i Data eXchange Partnership (Hawai‘i DXP) is a partnership of State of Hawai‘i agencies that have agreed to share and use data to support continuous improvement of programs and services at all levels of statewide education and workforce training. These cross-sector data are an ideal resource for faculty, graduate students, and others who are interested in studying the longitudinal outcomes of Hawaii Public School students as they traverse the education-to-workforce pipeline. In this webinar, participants will learn about the types of data available via the DXP, about the types of research questions that can be addressed by the DXP, and about the process for requesting DXP data.

View the zoom presentation:

To see the pdf of the PowerPoint presentation please click on the LINK