Get involved

HERN supports and facilitates partnerships that conduct innovative research and further effective policy and practice in public education.

HERN research-practice partnerships will:

  • Leverage Hawai‘i DOE and COE expertise and resources
  • Advance understanding of the educational landscape in Hawai‘i
  • Improve local student learning and engagement
  • Drive innovation aligned to the Hawai‘i DOE Promise Plan
diagram showing partnership between HERN fellow (COE grad student), college faculty member, and Hawaii DOE partner

Project Partners

COE faculty member

COE logo

Why get involved

  • Engage in relevant research with local system
  • Research supported through a facilitated process.
  • Supportive network of like-minded researchers.

Things to consider

  • Do you have the time to devote to this project?
  • Does this project align with your research interests and agenda?
  • Will your involvement contribute to your academic goals?

HIDOE partner

Why get involved

  • Build capacity to engage in research
  • Enhance your understanding of the process of education research
  • Apply research results to improve local student achievement

Things to consider

  • What practical impact will your research results have?
  • Will your results be generalizable beyond your project?
  • Are you available for recurring team meetings?

COE graduate student

COE logo

Why get involved

  • Collaborate on a research project aligned to HIDOE research needs
  • Contribute to research that has practical implications
  • Learn research and management skills 

Things to consider

  • Do you need a project in which you can apply skills that you are learning in your program?
  • Are you looking for experience within the HIDOE?
  • Are you interested in learning from and with a COE researcher?

The HERN process

HERN facilitates communication and collaboration as we guide your partnership through the following steps.

  1. Clarify and refine purpose
  2. Align to COE/DOE goals
  3. Establish partnership
  4. Define scope
  5. Hire staff as needed
  6. Obtain research approvals
  7. Get started