Volcano Summary: Three relatively new things (e.g., earthquake, collapsing of the edges, sulfur) are being recognized regarding the Pit of Pele, and they may be features of the return of that supernatural old woman of Halemaʻumaʻu to her palace. 
Categories: Earth Science, Place
Reference: Will Peleʻs Fires Blaze Again?/E A Hou Ana Anei ke Ahi a ka Wahine? (1927, February 1). Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XX, Number 36.

Will Pele’s Fires Blaze Again? (English Translation)

Summary: References to air, weather, atmosphere and water from the Hawaiian Dictionary (Pukui & Elbert)                                                           

Categories: Earth Science
Reference: He ʻohina na Kaliko High, 2022 (A Collection by Kaliko High, 2022)