sea viewSummary: Announcing the end of a school of halalu in Waikiki

Categories: Oceans, Place

Reference: Halalū Run – (1899, October 21). Ka Loea Kalaiaina, Volume III, Number 41.

Halalū Run (English Translation)

Summary: Announcing passage of a bill banning the collection of limu by non-natives for commercial purposes.

Categories: Oceans, Life Science

Reference: Limu Bill Passes – Holo ka Bila Limu (1939, May 17). Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 3.

Limu Bill Passes (English Translation)

Summary: An article describing the noio bird including its physical appearance and how they reveal fish in the ocean. 

Categories: Life Science, Ocean

Reference: Noio Bird / Manu Noio (1863, June 6). Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume II, Number 23.

Noio Bird / Manu Noio English Translation

Summary: An article describing the ʻiwa (Great frigate bird) including its physical appearance, behavior, naming, and details of its flight.  

Categories: Life Science, Ocean

Reference: A Few Thoughts of Birds of the Sky / He Wahi Hoʻomanaʻo no nā Manu o ka Lewa (1893, July 25). Ka Lei Momi, Volume I, Number 28.

A Few Thoughts of Birds of the Sky / He Wahi Hoʻomanaʻo no nā Manu o ka Lewa English Translation