Summary: An article describing land divisions, soil, water, and wind characteristics, lifestyle, neighborhoods, and people in Palolo.
Categories: Place, Farming, Water
Reference: Pālolo Valley – Ke Awawa o Palolo. (1866, September 17). Ke Au Okoa, Volume II, Number 22, aa3.
Pālolo Valley (English Translation)
Summary: A report on the Board of Healthʻs work to install sewer lines in Mōʻiliʻili
Categories: Place, Earth Science, Health
Reference: A Sewer for Kamōʻiliʻili – Makemake ka papa ola i sua no Kamōʻiliʻili ETC (1929, Auk 15). Ke Alakaʻi o Hawaiʻi, Volume II, Number 16.
A Sewer for Kamōʻiliʻili (English Translation)