After you have completed your classroom activities, it’s time for your OPIHI field trip!
Bringing students to the intertidal allows diverse learners to become involved in science, provides students with an authentic scientific experience, and fosters a sense of place and stewardship of their environment.
Here you will find all of the information you need to plan your OPIHI field trip, including information on existing OPIHI field trip locations (or you can also scout a new OPIHI site!), supplies, and customizable data sheets. To help you and your students become confident in the field, check out the species identification and OPIHI field protocol pages.
After your field trip remember to enter your data to the OPIHI database (teachers need to Start a Field Trip first) and send your data sheets and algae voucher to the OPIHI program at:
c/o Joanna Philippoff
UHM College of Education
1776 University Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822