2017-06-25 from 09:00:00 to 11:00:00
Number of students: 4
Transect lines: 3
Transect line length: 33
Point spacing: 3 meters
Quadrats per transect: 12
Quadrat spacing: 3 meters
Wind speed: 1–3 mph
Weather conditions: Sunny
Wind speed reference location: Honolulu
Wave height: 1–3
Wave height reference location: Honolulu
Low tide time: 10:00:00
Low tide height: 0 ft
Low tide reference location: Honolulu
Number of visitors: 6–10
Number of fishers: 0
Number of collectors: 0
Number of students: 4
Transect lines: 3
Transect line length: 33
Point spacing: 3 meters
Quadrats per transect: 12
Quadrat spacing: 3 meters
Wind speed: 1–3 mph
Weather conditions: Sunny
Wind speed reference location: Honolulu
Wave height: 1–3
Wave height reference location: Honolulu
Low tide time: 10:00:00
Low tide height: 0 ft
Low tide reference location: Honolulu
Number of visitors: 6–10
Number of fishers: 0
Number of collectors: 0
Organisms expected at this location
Acanthophora spicifera
Palisada parvipapillata
Crustose Coralline Algae
Dictyota spp
Drupa morum
Gelidiella acerosa
Gracilaria salicornia
Hypnea spp
Laurencia spp
Lyngbya majuscula
Morula granulata
Padina spp
Pterocladiella spp
Sargassum spp
Snail spp
Sphacelaria spp
Turbinaria ornata
Turf spp
Ulva spp
Unknown Brown