This survey site is located on the rocky shoreline in front of Kona Bay Estates, between Keiki Ponds and Old Airport. From Kona, take Kuakini Dr. north toward Old Airport, but turn left before Old A. Drive down a narrow unmarked road alongside the playground, baseball diamonds, and tennis courts to find parking and shoreline access. Bathroom is nearby.
19.640812, -156.006927
Organisms expected at this location

Acanthophora spicifera

Achanthochiton viridis

Actinopyga varians

Ahnfeltiopsis concinna

Ahnfeltiopsis flabelliformis
Aiptasia pulchella

Akalaphycus setchelliae

Amansia glomerata
Amphipod spp

Anthopleura nigrescens

Asteronema breviarticulatum

Colpomenia sinuosa

Crustose Coralline Algae

Padina spp

Sargassum polyphyllum