The vision of the UHM Department of Special Education is an inclusive society that values the abilities and contributions of all. Our mission is to improve educational opportunities and belonging for individuals with exceptionalities.
The Bachelor of Education in Special Education program allows candidates to earn their bachelor’s degree along with teacher licensure in special education. This cohorted program is offered statewide and is a series of coursework taken as the final two years of the bachelor’s degree in education. This emphasis offers two track specializations: (a) secondary special education, mild/moderate disabilities, or (b) severe disabilities and autism for any grade level (PK-12).
Upon successful completion of this degree and submission of passing scores for the appropriate licensing tests, you would be recommended for initial teacher licensure to the Hawaii Teachers Standards Board (HTSB) to teach in elementary schools (kindergarten through sixth grade (K-6)). Multiple program tracks are available, including options for licensure in early childhood, special education, multilingual learners, and Hawaiian immersion.
The Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Special Education is a statewide, 18-month, field-based program designed for those pursuing careers in teaching who have earned baccalaureate degrees in fields other than education.
The Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT) provides a 2-for-1 opportunity for candidates across all islands to obtain their teaching license and master’s degree in just two years. This program offers multiple pathway options, including opportunities for obtaining licensure in elementary, secondary, special education, and Hawaiian language immersion.
The add-a-field coursework option is for those who already have a Hawaii state teaching license in another field. The Department of Special Education is approved to offer a series of 18 credits (6 courses) of coursework in special education, with courses designed to support classroom practitioners. This program counts as a State Approved Teacher Education Program (SATEP) in meeting the Add-a-Field Content Knowledge Option by The Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB).
The Reading Interventionist Program trains candidates to apply the Science of Reading to meet the needs of their current and future students. With integrated practica each semester, program candidates receive expert guidance as they learn to apply their new knowledge with real students in need of additional support. Our candidates learn the foundations of reading development and oral language, advanced assessment and intervention planning skills, and diagnostic-prescriptive reading intervention practices to meet the needs of each and every student.
The MEd in Special Education is an online program designed for educators and professionals who are passionate about making a meaningful impact in special education. Available specializations include Leadership & Research and Applied Behavior Analysis.
This specialization requires candidates to become grounded within Exceptionalities as a broad professional discipline. Under the guidance of his or her mentor, the candidate pursues an area of in-depth study and scholarship in Exceptionalities.
It’s Aloha Friday! We’re closed today, but will be back tomorrow for our final Face-to-Face of the semester excited to see our BEd students! ... See MoreSee Less