image of Rhonda Black

Rhonda Black Chair

Interests: ; Secondary special education, intellectual disability, social and interpersonal relationships, community integration; ;

image of Cherrie Aiona

Cherrie Aiona Junior Specialist

image of Chantelle Awana

Chantelle Awana Instructor

Interests: Early childhood education ; Inclusion ; Teacher preparation ; Co-teaching

(808) 387-4296

image of Jody Bill

Jody Bill Instructor

Interests: Teacher preparation, literacy, co-teaching, RTI, extensive support needs, theatre arts integration

image of Roxanne M. Bristol (she|her|hers)

Roxanne M. Bristol (she|her|hers) Instructor

Interests: Behavior Analysis; Special Education, Teacher preparation, Social Validity

image of Sara Cook

Sara Cook Associate Professor

Interests: Evidence based practices, co-teaching/inclusion, teacher preparation

image of Cynthia Farley

Cynthia Farley Assistant Professor

Interests: Teacher education, high-leverage practices, evidence based practices, mentoring and support of novice special education teachers, and neuroeducation

(808) 956-7871

image of Sarah Fishstrom

Sarah Fishstrom Assistant Professor

Interests: Reading difficulties and disabilities, evidence-based reading instruction/interventions, social emotional supports, effective instructional practices for emergent bilingual students.

(808) 956-4460

image of Natalie Haggerty

Natalie Haggerty Instructor

Interests: ; Early Literacy Reading Interventions, Mild to Moderate Learning Disabilities, Teacher Preparation

image of Rumi Heine
image of Brian Kajiyama

Brian Kajiyama Instructor

Interests: Assistive technology, Universal Design for Learning, disability awareness, Heart of a Warrior scholarship; Student Council for Exceptional Children

(808) 956-7956

Sarah King Assistant Professor

Interests: Mathematics Intervention ; Evidence-Based Practices; Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Mathematics Instruction

image of Steven Klein

Steven Klein Junior Specialist

image of Rockey Knox

Rockey Knox Assistant Professor

Interests: Transdisciplinary Knowledge Development, Educational Neuroscience, Adolescent Development, Teacher Education

Paul Meng Assistant Professor

Interests: Reading instruction and intervention; Data-based decision making; Integrated academic and behavioral supports; Reading assessment; Racial equity in disciplinary and academic outcomes; Multi-tiered systems of support

(808) 956-0968

image of Jennifer Ninci

Jennifer Ninci Associate Professor

Interests: Applied behavior analysis; Systems change; Early childhood education; Variables affecting motivation and engagement; Assessment and treatment of challenging behavior; Adaptive skill development and generalization; Validity in single-case research data analysis and aggregation; Applied behavior analysis supervision and consultation

image of Shawna Ortogero

Shawna Ortogero Assistant Professor

Interests: Special Education Teacher Preparation, English Learners

image of Linda Oshita

Linda Oshita Associate Specialist

Interests: special education teacher preparation, distance education advising

(808) 956-8576

image of Kavita Rao

Kavita Rao Professor

Interests: Assistive and Instructional Technology; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners; Universal Design for Learning (UDL); Online Learning; Inclusive Practices

(808) 956-7956

Rachelle Reed Assistant Professor

Interests: Teacher preparation in Special Education; Teacher Preparation in Special Education

(808) 780-2797

image of Heather Rogers-Rodrigues

Heather Rogers-Rodrigues Instructor

Interests: Special education teacher preparation, evidence based practices, elementary and secondary co-teaching, collaboration and consultation

(808) 956-7956

image of Michael Sheehey

Michael Sheehey Assistant Specialist

image of Naomi Tachera

Naomi Tachera Instructor

Interests: Behavior Analysis; Special Education; Hawaiian Culture-Based Education; Autism; Severe Disabilities

image of Kevin Wilkins

Kevin Wilkins Instructor

Interests: Mild to Moderate Learning Disabilities; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Inclusive Practices; Dual Licensure; Teacher Candidate Preparation; Teacher Coaching and Mentoring

image of Marija Čolić

Marija Čolić Assistant Professor

Interests: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Disability; Stigma

image of Vanessa Tanaka