
5: Ku‘ula Storyboard in SpriteLab


In this lesson, students learn that everyone is important within a system and that everyone has kuleana (responsibility). Students also learn that it doesn’t matter your ethnicity, age, or background, as a part of a community, everyone has an important role to play and everyone is a critical member of the community. 

Student Objectives

  • Create a project that makes their petroglyph Ku’ula interact with other Sprites using Code.org Sprite Lab based on the requirements given by the instructor
  • Code their sprite to perform a task
  • Separate events in Spritelab by changing the backgrounds

Community, Petroglyphs and SpriteLab
Lesson 5: Ku’ula Storyboard in SpriteLab

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Community, Petroglyphs and SpriteLab
Lesson 5: Ku’ula Storyboard in SpriteLab

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Standard Description
Activity 1 & 2 Laptop Computer
Students’ individual Computer Science Journals