Hawaiians were very connected with the natural elements. The moon in particular, was a way for Hawaiians to measure/observe what was going on around them. Their calendar was based on the moon. In some cultures, day (the sun) was how they kept track of things. For Hawaiians, it was the moon that was the most important celestial object. Hawaiians were very observant about weather patterns, plant and animal behaviors, and as a result, many of the daily activities that took place were very purposeful. From knowing what days were excellent for fishing, planting, and harvesting to knowing what kinds of crops would be available during certain times of the year and being able to “read” the clouds in the sky, the Hawaiians were able to live sustainably and live in lokahi (balance) with the environment. Hawaiians used their kilo (observation) skills of what happened during each phases of the moon to make sense of – to tell mo`olelo (stories) of – their surroundings. In this lesson, students will compare and contrast the characteristics of the Hawaiian Moon Calendar and the Gregorian calendar. They will also create numbers sentences that match the layout of the calendars and/or number sentences that equal 30 (the average number of days in a moon cycle).