When are stipends issued to the student?

PBCTE-Secondary: Tuition stipends are issued after the beginning of the first (Spring) semester and before the beginning of the second (Summer), third (Fall), and fourth (Spring) semesters. MEdT-Secondary: Tuition stipends are issued before the end of the first (Fall) semester and before the beginning of the second (Spring) and third (Fall) semesters. PBCTE-Secondary and MEdT-Secondary: … read more of When are stipends issued to the student?

Are GOO stipends taxable?

The Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Education considers GOO tuition and travel stipends as income and is, therefore, taxable. No tax form is provided by the university. GOO recipients are required to sign and return a memo that will be emailed from STE Secondary to confirm receipt of issued stipend checks.

What do stipends cover?

Stipends will cover tuition and fees (33 credits for the PBCTE-Secondary program and up to 34 credits of the MEdT-Secondary program). Neighbor island students will also receive travel stipends to cover roundtrip flights that are purchased by the GOO recipients to attend mandatory face-to-face meetings.

Can credits be transferred into the Master’s program?

Students may apply up to 12 course credits from the PBCTE-Secondary to a College of Education (COE) master’s degree program. Students must negotiate course transfer at the time of application to the master’s program.