PBCTE-Secondary “Grow Our Own” Student

Megan Barton

“The youth of my community are tenacious, funny, and smart. They deserve a quality public school education, and I would like to be a part of offering that to them.”


Hazelton, British Columbia, Canada


School of Teacher Education - Secondary

Related Degrees

  • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Secondary Education (PBCTE, Secondary)

Where do you work?
I work at the Hyatt Residence Club as a hotel concierge.

How did you become interested in the field of secondary education?
While I was substitute teaching, I was surprised to discover I enjoyed working in the secondary schools the most. The older students were able to grasp more complex ideas and express their thoughts and personalities in such amazing ways. I also appreciate the challenge of working with emerging adults; it’s worth investing in helping them grow, even if it means having a few eyes rolled in your direction.

Briefly describe your road to college.
I barely got into college. The one class I flourished in during high school was a scene shop class where we learned how to make the sets for the school plays. That led me to pursue theatre during my post-secondary journey and from there I flourished.

Why did you select the UHM COE?
The program format and reputation led me to choosing the College of Education program.

What does the “Grow Our Own” initiative and stipend mean to you?
I had wanted to pursue my teaching degree for the past three years, but there was always a reason why not to even fill out an application. Reasons like, there’s no time to apply, let alone work and attend school on Maui, I can’t afford it, what if I get certified and then can’t get a job?… The Grow Our Own initiative program was the one reason I needed to quell all those other reasons. Not only does Grow Our Own pay the tuition in full, it also encourages work placement once completed.

Is there anyone in particular who inspired/inspires you to pursue teaching as a career?
The kids inspire me. The youth of my community are tenacious, funny, and smart. They deserve a quality public school education, and I would like to be a part of offering that to them.

What are your plans after graduation?
I hope to become a theatre teacher and develop a drama program at the Lahainaluna High School where currently they have none.


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