Philosophy for Children Hawai‘i: A Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for Social Justice Education
Book Chapter
In this chapter, I draw from close to twenty years of teaching, scholarship, and research to make the connection between p4cHI, culturally responsive pedagogy, and social justice education. The chapter is organized into three sections. (1) First, I review the literature and use Teaching Tolerance’s (2014) Critical Practices for Anti-Bias Education to summarize the ways in which p4cHI is a CRP that promotes social justice education. (2) Second, I build on the success of the Ethnic Studies course described above (Makaiau, 2010; 2013; 2015; 2017) to illustrate how the p4cHI approach to CRP was recently used to design and implement a brand new Philosophical Inquiry course for high school students in Hawai‘i. (3) Third, I share the initial findings that emerged from my longitudinal study of p4cHI’s impact on student learning in Philosophical Inquiry. At the chapter’s conclusion, I reflect on the research findings and make suggestions for future studies. I also assert the important role that philosophical inquiry can play in promoting social justice in this new era of globalization.
Makaiau, A. S. (2017). Philosophy for Children Hawai‘i: A Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for Social Justice Education. In C. C. L. & L. Sequeira (Ed.), Inclusion, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in Young People’s Inquiry (pp. 99–110). Sense Publishers.