To learn more about supervision hours, please visit:

UH offers ABA fieldwork supervision to Hawaii residents in applicable job placements who are in need of supervision (administrator approval required to approve site visits). A fieldwork supervisor will be assigned to support you weekly in accomplishing assignments as you gain fieldwork hours in SPED 678/478 ABA Fieldwork. We offer remote supervision as needed and we have secure systems in place for doing so. We also visit sites across all HI islands, aiming for monthly.
Supervision does not need to occur through the institution. We offer our supervision systems and resources for students/independent supervisors to work into their own programs if they wish. Our resources could be adopted and adapted by independent supervisors. Students typically gain supervision with us if they do not otherwise have access to an eligible supervisor (e.g., their administrator/supervisor is not able and/or not eligible to structure BACB certification supervision). Some individuals, particularly Registered Behavior Technicians, already have natural access to a BCBA supervising them who might be willing and able to also structure credentialing supervision toward a BACB certification.
We offer supervision across summer, fall, and spring semesters! You must have an eligible site worked out and admin approval to enroll. Communicate directly with the program coordinator if you are interested!