Special Education (SPED) Stipends

Due to the longstanding need for more special education teachers, there is a year-to-year contract agreement between the Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) and UH that provides tuition stipends for completing the special education coursework within the teacher licensure program. This partnership between the HIDOE and Department of Special Education has been providing tuition stipends for over twenty years!

To be eligible for the stipend, students must agree to teach special education in a HIDOE school for a minimum of 3 years after completing the program. Stipends are contingent upon yearly renewal of the DOE-UH contract and will be automatically offered to all students who were admitted that enrollment year.

The following programs are eligible for the DOE tuition stipends. This stipend funding typically covers half or more of our dual-licensure programs, and then most or all of our special education-only licensure programs. Stipend amounts are based on current in-state tuition rates. Those who are non-residents may still be eligible for stipends, however they would need to cover the tuition difference in cost for WUE or non-resident tuition rates:

  1. BEd, Early Childhood & Early Childhood Special Education (36 credits, $16,920)
  2. BEd, Exceptional Students and Elementary Education (33 credits; $15,543)
  3. BEd, Special Education (60 credits; $28,260)
  4. Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Special Education (33 credits; $15,543)
  5. Master of Education in Teaching, Dual Secondary & Special Education (31 credits (graduate tuition rate); $20,150)

You do not need to apply for this funding opportunity. Students who have been admitted to one of these programs would automatically receive the stipend packet to complete and return prior to the start of their first semester.

In addition, teachers who are already licensed in other fields may also receive a stipend to pursue our Special Education Add-a-Teaching FIeld program (18 credits; $8,568) in return for a 1-year commitment teaching special education upon program completion. Candidates can not already be licensed in special education in order to qualify.

Students are responsible for securing their own funding for applicable prerequisites, additional program credits, and/or any additional program costs related to travel, books, and testing/licensure fees.

Have questions or want to learn more? Contact spedinfo@hawaii.edu

Learn More about UH Mānoa's Special Education Licensure Programs