Navigate to your settings.

Click on the cog icon in the top right of the screen and select “See all settings”.


screenshot of gmail inbox with quick settings open


Enable templates

Go to the “Advanced” tab, find “Templates” and select “Enable”. Save changes at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of advanced tab in settings with templates enabled


Compose an email.

Back at the inbox, “Compose” a new email.

compose email screenshot


Select a layout

Click or tap on the icon for “Select a layout” in the bottom of the compose screen. If you are on a smaller screen, this may be found in the icon with 3 dots.

select layout screenshot

select layout from more menu


Set the default styling for the template

Select the “Default styling” link at the bottom of the modal.

default styling screenshot


Set your layout options

You should be in the “Logo, colors & fonts” section. Upload the COE logo (download here). And add a new custom color: #007C5F. Make sure the primary font is set to “Sans Serif”.

logo preferences screenshotAdd custom color screenshot with color picker


Add footer details for your office or department

In the “Footer details” section, you can add your address, e.g.,:

UH Mānoa College of Education
1776 University Avenue
Honolulu, Hawai‘i, 96822

footer screenshot with address


Add links to your social media accounts.

Under the “Links” section, you can add your own or link to the COE social media accounts:

  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:
  • LinkedIn:


Save your changes

Make sure you click or tap the “Save changes” button at the bottom.

save changes button


Select a layout.

Select your preferred layout and select or tap “Insert” to use. You’ll be able to add images and edit content as you prefer.

Tip: Use the styles and layouts as is. They are meant to be simple and easy-to-use but not provide much customization.


Save your draft as a template to reuse.

Select the icon with 3 dots to open a menu. Navigate to “Templates” > “Save draft as template” > “Save as template”. From here you’ll be able to name the template and save it for later.

save template menus screenshot

save template name