Go to your course site.

  1. Open your course site in Laulima 
  2. Navigate to the course you want to add people to.

Go to Site Info

Site Info is the main tool in Laulima for course site management.  Site Info is found on the left menu of your Laulima site with a gear icon Gear

Site Info


Go to Tool Order

The Add Participants tab in Site Info gives you the options of how to add people to your site.

Tool Order

Find Tool Options

Find Weekly Engagement in your list of tools

Click on the gear Icon to Edit the tool options

Weekly Engagement

Change/Edit Tool Options

After you click on the gear icon a menu will show.

To Delete:

Select Delete this Tool

To Make Invisible to Students but Keep the tool:

Select Make Tool Invisible to Students

Tool Options

Save your changes

Make sure you Save your changes.
