Go to https://id.siteimprove.com/Account/Login and enter your UH Email address.

Enter your UH credentials when prompted to log in.
You will now see the Siteimprove Dashboard, similar to the image on the right. Click the Policy tab on the left column menu.

In the Policy tab, select My policies.

You will be presented with a list of existing policies to the right. Click the policy that best suits your needs. A policy will run a scan on each of the pages of your site. Policies have been named based on what the scan is looking for. In the example on the right, the policy will look for the term “Education”.

You will then be presented with a list of pages where the policy has identified items. Click on a page from the list to see exactly where the item has been identified.

Found items will be highlighted in red. Once identified, you’ll need to log into your COE site to make desired edits.
We recommend having another browser tab open in which you’re logged into your site as you cannot make edits directly via the Siteimprove interface.

You may have items identified, but not see the items highlighted in red. Items may be “hiding” in accordions or other special page features. Please contact Adam (tanners@hawaii.edu) or James (parkjc@hawaii.edu) if you need assistance.