Go to your course site.

  1. Open your course site in Laulima 
  2. Navigate to the course you want to view as a student.

Change view to student.

  1. On the “blue” Laulima bar go to the View Site As: drop-down box.
  2. Select Student From the box



View Student As Drop-down list, Student Chosen.

You are now in “Student View”

Once you enter Student View the “Blue” Laulima bar turns “Red”

Please Note:

  • All items that you hide from students will be hidden from you in this view
  • You will not be able to edit the course while in this view
  • Some items (i.e. Grades) will not show as you are not a real student.

Exit “Student View”

On the “Red” Lauima Bar select Exit View.

Exit View