Articulation Agreements
The ECE³ Project is working towards creating articulation agreements between the College of Education at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) and the four community colleges: HonCC, HawCC, KauCC, and UHMC. These articulation agreements aim to create smoother transfers and pathways for students to complete their bachelor’s degrees in ECE.
Associate to Bachelor’s
Students can gain their Associate degrees in ECE at their respective community colleges in two years. Upon completion, they may transfer to UHM, where they can continue their studies and earn a BEd in ECE (Birth to 8) in an additional two years’ time. Furthermore, UHM will pursue automatic transfer admission for individuals who complete the first two years of the program at their respective community college.
Stackable Certificates
Stackable certificates are established when required courses are built on one another and are sequenced to deepen the levels of students’ applied knowledge. Faculty are working together to sequence classes such that they progressively build on one another, enabling students to obtain ECE stackable certificates.