Early Childhood Educator Compensation Equity Study

Context of the Study

Research has shown that a diverse well-prepared, well-supported, and well-compensated early care and education (ECE) workforce is the linchpin to positive outcomes for young children. However, wages, benefits, working conditions for early educators serving children, from birth through kindergarten entry age, are not commensurate with the qualifications needed to provide high-quality early care and education. Therefore, recruitment and retention of the workforce has been challenging and this has been exacerbated by the covid pandemic.

ECE Landscape and Roadmap

To address this, the ECE³ Project commissioned RAND Corporation, a non-profit research organization, to conduct a study of the current landscape of ECE workforce wages, benefits, working conditions, recruitment and turnover issues in the state of Hawai’i. The study’s findings were based on existing and new data collected through interviews, focus groups, an online survey, and case studies. 

Along with the study’s findings, the final report by RAND identified policy and financing options and a high-level roadmap on how to advance these options in Hawaiʻi.

The funders of this study and final Report by RAND are Early Educator Investment Collaborative (EEIC), Samuel N & Mary Castle Foundation, Kamehameha Schools, and Hawaiʻi Community Foundation – Kōaniani Fund.

Link Between Research, Policy, and Practice

The RAND final report is one of the foundational steps to achieve the ECE³ Project’s mission. Using the final report as the basis, an ECE³ Compensation Task Force will develop a detailed action plan on how to improve wages, benefits, working conditions for early childhood educators serving children, birth through kindergarten entry age, in Hawaiʻi.

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EEIC Newsletter – Grantee Spotlight: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

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