Educational Foundations (EDEF) Associate Professor Alexander Means has been named Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. An international, peer-reviewed journal, it is interdisciplinary in scope and has featured work from scholars across the humanities and social sciences, including Stuart Hall, Henry Giroux, Lewis Gordon, Zygmunt Bauman, Robin Goodman, Douglas Kellner, among many others.
“My aim for the journal is to publish thoughtful, critical essays which explore the intersection of education and culture in relation to the manifold political, social, technological, ecological, and economic crises of our historical moment,” Means said. “My colleague, Associate Professor Hannah Tavares, is a past contributor to the journal, and she will also be serving as a member of the newly reconstituted editorial board.”
Means became acquainted with the Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies as a graduate student at McMaster University when Henry Giroux, Susan Giroux, and David Clark were the lead editors. He was recently recommended by colleagues to Taylor and Francis [publisher] as a potential candidate for the position of Editor-in-Chief and was selected after an international search.