![Edwards book cover](https://coe.hawaii.edu/edef/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2023/05/Edwards.RethinkingWorldBank-1200x800.png)
Dr. Brent Edwards Jr., College of Education Department of Educational Foundations (EDEF) Associate Professor, recently published his newest book, Rethinking World Bank Influence: Governance Reforms and the Ritual Aid Dance in Indonesia. In it, Edwards answers why it is so difficult for the World bank, a well-resourced and influential international development organization, to generate and sustain change to be more accountable, efficient, and effective in the countries where it works. A number of chapters were co-authored by COE graduate students Dewi Setiani and Mark McCormick.
Dr. Brent Edwards Jr. is the EDEF Graduate Chair and Associate Professor of Theory and Methodology in the Study of Education. His research focuses on the global governance of education; education policy, politics, and political economy with a focus on low-income countries; and democratic and socially just alternatives to dominant education models. His work has been published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. He received his PhD in International Education Policy from the University of Maryland.