This new book by Department of Educational Foundations Associate Professor Brent Edwards, along with co-authors Mauro Moschetti and Alejandro Caravaca, explores how the dynamics of globalization and privatization have influenced state policy and impacted education reform in Honduras. The book has its roots in work that the authors started in early 2018. With funding from Education International, they conducted a study of the ways that privatization is affecting the education system in Honduras.
“So proud of this new book,” Edwards said. “We did not cling to our previous frameworks, but rather took the time to look beyond them. After our initial approach of an international political economy perspective, we realized the need to grapple with the nature of the State itself and the ways that the Honduran State has been affected by the legacy of colonialism. This book is the result.”
Dr. Brent Edwards Jr. is Graduate Chair of the Department of Educational Foundations and Associate Professor of Theory and Methodology in the Study of Education at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa College of Education. His research focuses on the global governance of education; education policy, politics, and political economy with a focus on low-income countries; and democratic and socially just alternatives to dominant education models. His work has been published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. He received his PhD in International Education Policy from the University of Maryland.